Starting at the part make another part toward her left ear.
Take all of the hair except the hair in front of the two parts and brush back into a ponytail.
Comb out the ponytail.
Comb out the left over hair.
Before we begin the braid, pull the hair from the ponytail out with fingers. Pull it on the top and sides.
Braid from the left, then the right like normal, then start french braiding. So you have three pieces. You add hair from the front to the left piece and braid. Then you grab from the middle of the ponytail and add it to the right piece and braid.Then grab from the front.
Then grab from the ponytail.
The whole time you are pulling the braid in a diagonal line toward the ponytail.
When you run out of hair from the front, just add hair from the ponytail only and braid like normal on the left.
Make sure that you save enough hair to use all the way around.
Make sure that you make it look like a bun surrounded by a braid.
The end is the tricky part. Move in front of her.
Be sure to pull it tighter when you are in the front. It will be easier if you move to the left side of her head, where you started, to finish the bun.
Add an ouchless elastic.
Take the braid and tuck it under and through coming out on the left side.
Pull the braid around underneath so that it can't be seen.
It can make the bun fuller as well. Pin and tuck the under braid.
Tuck and pin the outer braid.
Pin all the way around.